Chapters Recovered

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Chapters Recovered Album enlarged.jpg


  1. Rescue - Lilly of the West

  2. Pray - Jonny Moody

  3. Chapters - Lilo’s Wall

  4. Theme for a Dream - Lucy Kitchen

  5. Halfway Down the Road - Jack Dale

  6. One for You - Jack Francis

  7. Tricks - The Real Raj

  8. Broken - Mitch Wiseman

  9. Day One - Kitty O’Neal

  10. A Song for a Sad Soul - Jonathan Fashole-Luke, Louie Sinacola

Just before I released my album Chapters I came up with an exciting idea for a project. Over the years I have been so lucky to have booked, supported or witnessed so many incredible artists both locally and internationally.

I wanted to celebrate and promote some of these musicians and went about asking them if they would record a version of a song from my Chapters album. I was overwhelmed with the response from them and allowed them the time, creativity and freedom to record them in their own unique ways. 

I am eternally grateful for all of the artists who have spent their time recording the songs and they are truly wonderful versions, as I’m sure you will agree.

You can read my blog post for more info about all the artists who performed on this record.